Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Teachers Offering CAHSEE Prep

One great resource that students can use to help improve their performance on the CAHSEE is local teachers. These don't have to necessarily be the teachers who teach the subjects tested on the CAHSEE either. The vast majority of quality teachers should be able to help any student pass the CAHSEE. Since the concepts in both math and English are really fundamental underlying concepts, most teachers should be able to help any student who is struggling to meet the 55% passage requirement. So for those students out there who hate their math or English teacher and feel helpless there is a better way! If you loved your 8th grade science teacher them give him or her a call and ask if they would be willing to help you pass the California High School Exit Exam. Chances are very good that they will say yes. I know as a former teacher that I always get very excited whenever I am contacted by former students and I can never turn anyone down who asks for help. So few students actually take the initiative to seek out help on their own that most teachers are more than willing to go out of their way to help. This is what we do! We educate and most of us have a true passion for education. We could have chosen professions that pay more or are more prestigious but we didn't. We chose to teach! Why? Because its not just what we do it is who we are. Now I know that most students have at least one teacher who they really liked. Visit him or her and ask if they can help, if the answer is no, leave me a comment and I will find a teacher to help you myself! Enough reading now, hit the books!

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